FREE Triple P Virtual Discussion Groups


*FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED* Triple P® Discussion Groups help parents or caregivers deal with commonly encountered problems like: disobedience fighting and aggression managing situations such as shopping with children bedtime routines Upcoming Discussions (10am-12pm): Hassle-Free Shopping - March 4, 2023 Dealing with Disobedience - March 11, 2023 To register for one or both discussion groups,[...]


Serie de Talleres Gratuitos del Manejo del Comportamiento Infantil – EN PERSONA

Valencia Library 202 W Valencia Rd, Tucson

Lunes, 10:30am-12:30pm @ Valencia Library 202 W Valencia Rd, Tucson, AZ 85706 Marzo - 13, 20, 27 Abril - 3 Este taller se basa en el plan de estudios Triple P, que ha demostrado reducir los problemas de conducta al ayudar a los padres a permanecer positivos en las situaciones más difíciles con sus hijos.[...]


Parent’s Group

Zoom Arizona

Join Rebecca for an open call for all parents to share their strength, hope, experience, and challenges as the adults in the lives of children. Offered virtually through Zoom! Group is free and does not require registration. Just join using the Zoom Link


Children in Between: Co-Parenting Class 1 of 2

Zoom Arizona

Join Chod for this 2-part workshop of the Children in Between program for parents experiencing separation or divorce. This event is spread across 2 weeks for a total of 4 hours of education on the evidence-based strategies to improve communication and cooperation of co-parents. Class is offered virtually through Zoom Registration is FREE! Please email Chod with[...]


Parent’s Group

Zoom Arizona

Join Rebecca for an open call for all parents to share their strength, hope, experience, and challenges as the adults in the lives of children. Offered virtually through Zoom! Group is free and does not require registration. Just join using the Zoom Link


FREE Child Behavior Management Series

This 8 session series is happening Saturdays from 10am-2pm at Intermountain Centers for Human Development... 401 N Bonita Ave, Tucson, AZ 85745 3/25, 4/1, 4/8, &4/15 - Childcare and light breakfast provided! This series is based on the Triple P curriculum, which is proven to reduce behavior problems by helping parents remain positive in the[...]


Parent’s Group

Zoom Arizona

Join Rebecca for an open call for all parents to share their strength, hope, experience, and challenges as the adults in the lives of children. Offered virtually through Zoom! Group is free and does not require registration. Just join using the Zoom Link


Parent’s Group

Zoom Arizona

Join Rebecca for an open call for all parents to share their strength, hope, experience, and challenges as the adults in the lives of children. Offered virtually through Zoom! Group is free and does not require registration. Just join using the Zoom Link


Serie de Talleres Gratuitos del Manejo del Comportamiento Infantil – VIRTUAL


Cada Martes en Abril, 9-11am! Este taller se basa en el plan de estudios Triple P, que ha demostrado reducir los problemas de conducta al ayudar a los padres a permanecer positivos en las situaciones más difíciles con sus hijos. Los participantes aprenderán... Por qué los niños se comportan de la manera en que lo[...]


Parent’s Group

Zoom Arizona

Join Rebecca for an open call for all parents to share their strength, hope, experience, and challenges as the adults in the lives of children. Offered virtually through Zoom! Group is free and does not require registration. Just join using the Zoom Link
