Gain a better understanding that anger is an emotion that must be expressed and there's no better place for children to learn how to express their anger than in their own home with their parent guiding them.
Parents learn how to deal with the stress of parenting and learn methods of reducing their stress and that of their children.
This early reading program for kids and parents/caregivers includes sharing stories, music and movement, and activities to do in class and at home. Families receive 20 free books & school supplies. Un programa gratuito de lectura temprana para niños y adultos. Tenemostiempo de cuentos, música y movimiento, y actividades en clase y para la casa.[...]
This early reading program for kids and parents/caregivers includes sharing stories, music and movement, and activities to do in class and at home. Families receive 20 free books & school supplies. Un programa gratuito de lectura temprana para niños y adultos. Tenemostiempo de cuentos, música y movimiento, y actividades en clase y para la casa.[...]
Play is the best avenue for learning! Children 0-5 years of age and their grownups will play and socialize together with a variety of materials selected to enhance all areas of development. We focus specifically on social skills, literacy, and communication.
Play is the best avenue for learning! Children 0-5 years of age and their grownups will play and socialize together with a variety of materials selected to enhance all areas of development. We focus specifically on social skills, literacy, and communication.