This class focuses on discussion about how to tell if your child is ready to begin the toilet training process and provides lots of ideas and ways to begin that will fun and meaningful to both the parent and child.
This class for children and parents/caregivers is filled with creative activities to build essential life skills such as focus, self-control, and communication.
Parents will learn various massage techniques while learning about the advantages of massage therapy for their baby. Please note that parent and baby (0-9 months) must both attend this class together. Los padres aprenderán varias técnicas de masaje mientras aprenden sobre las ventajas de la terapia de masaje para su bebé. Tenga en cuenta que[...]
Join Rebecca from Parent Aid for a 4-session parent workshop series designed for caregivers with children under 5 years old. This series will help parents understand more about their child’s growth and development, teach skills to better communicate, set groundwork for positive discipline, and practice some much needed self-care. This amazing opportunity to keep your[...]
This early reading program for kids and parents/caregivers includes sharing stories, music and movement, and activities to do in class and at home. Families receive 20 free books & school supplies. Un programa gratuito de lectura temprana para niños y adultos. Tenemostiempo de cuentos, música y movimiento, y actividades en clase y para la casa.[...]
Play is the best avenue for learning! Children 0-5 years of age and their grownups will play and socialize together with a variety of materials selected to enhance all areas of development. We focus specifically on social skills, literacy, and communication.
This class connects you and your child with the garden, through hands on activities as you learn where food comes from, learn about nature and make fun nature crafts.
Learn about the advantages of massage therapy for babies and their parents. Information will be shared about a five-week workshop series that will be offered in January.
Come join Parent Aid and Amanda for a great opportunity to learn sign language with your little one! Learn how to enhance early communication skills, reduce tantrums, and promote language development with the addition to nurturing your bond and understanding your child’s needs. Baby Signs Too is designed to be used with families with hearing infants and[...]
This early reading program for kids and parents/caregivers includes sharing stories, music and movement, and activities to do in class and at home. Families receive 20 free books & school supplies. Un programa gratuito de lectura temprana para niños y adultos. Tenemostiempo de cuentos, música y movimiento, y actividades en clase y para la casa.[...]