Rx 360 Substance Misuse and Naloxone training
Rx 360 Substance Misuse and Naloxone training
Learn about the Opioid Crisis and how to save lives using Narcan
Learn about the Opioid Crisis and how to save lives using Narcan
Nurtured Parenting Series This class is facilitated in English with Spanish Subtitles This class will support parents’ in helping their children increase their ability to care.
This 8 session series is happening every Wednesday from 5-7pm March 1-22! This series is based on the Triple P curriculum, which is proven to reduce behavior problems by helping parents remain positive in the most challenging situations with their children. Participants will learn... why children behave the way they do how to teach new[...]
This is a Nurturing Parenting Topic. This class if facilitated in English with Spanish Subtitles. Parents learn positive guidance techniques and non-violent means of discipline with young children.
Learn how toxic stress and trauma impacts the brain. Learn about the connection between trauma and substance misuse. Learn how to use Narcan to reverse an opioid overdose.
Parents/caregivers learn how to encourage positive behavior, deal with problem behavior, become more confident about parenting, and understand the importance of the caregiver's self-care in one-hour seminars offered virtually. 2/23/23 The Power of Positive Parenting, 3/2/23 Raising Confident and Competent Children, 3/9/23 Raising Resilient Children
*FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED* Triple P® Discussion Groups help parents or caregivers deal with commonly encountered problems like: disobedience fighting and aggression managing situations such as shopping with children bedtime routines Upcoming Discussions (10am-12pm): Hassle-Free Shopping - March 4, 2023 Dealing with Disobedience - March 11, 2023 To register for one or both discussion groups,[...]
Join Rebecca for an open call for all parents to share their strength, hope, experience, and challenges as the adults in the lives of children. Offered virtually through Zoom! Group is free and does not require registration. Just join using the Zoom Link
An open call for men to share their strength, hope, experience, and challenges as fathers, dads and co-parents. Join Zoom Link
Serie de crianza nutrida Esta clase se facilita en español. El objetivo de esta clase es capacitar a los niños para que manejen su comportamiento.
Learn how to dispose and store prescription drugs safely. Learn how to use Narcan to reverse an opioid overdose
This is a Nurturing Parenting Topic This class is facilitated in English with Spanish Subtitles The goal of this class is to increase parent/adolescent awareness of brain and physiological changes and development on adolescent behavior.
Join Rebecca and Parent Aid for a 6-week parent workshop series designed for caregivers with teens and pre-teens. This series will help parents understand how to approach conversations on difficult topics, teach skills to better communicate, set groundwork for positive discipline and practice some much needed self-care. The class will be conducted in a hybrid[...]
Learn how toxic stress and trauma impacts the brain. Learn about the connection between trauma and substance misuse. Learn how to use Narcan to reverse an opioid overdose.
This class is facilitated in English with Spanish Subtitles This class will discuss all aspects of how to share being parents without “being together”- how to put your own feelings aside and focus on being the best parent you can be, and being able to continue to share this responsibility with your ex, or soon[...]
Serie de crianza nutrida Esta clase se facilita en español. Esta clase discutirá todos los aspectos de cómo compartir ser padres sin “estar juntos” Cómo dejar de lado tus propios sentimientos y concentrarte en ser el mejor padre que puedas ser, y poder continuar compartiendo esta responsabilidad con tu ex, o que pronto será tu[...]
Join Chod and Parent Aid for a 4-week parenting class just for dads and men-in-families. Whether you are bio, step, grand, honorary, future, whatever, this opportunity is for you. Topics included throughout the program include: Self-Awareness Caring for Self Fathering Skills Parenting Skills Relationship Skills Registration is FREE! Offered virtually through Zoom Please email Chod with any[...]
This topic is from the Nurturing Parenting Program This class is facilitated in English with Spanish Subtitles. The goal of this class is to increase parents ability to establish nurturing parenting routines during regular activities with their children.
Parents/caregivers learn how to encourage positive behavior, deal with problem behavior, become more confident about parenting, and understand the importance of the caregiver's self-care in one-hour seminars offered virtually. 2/23/23 The Power of Positive Parenting, 3/2/23 Raising Confident and Competent Children, 3/9/23 Raising Resilient Children
*FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED* Triple P® Discussion Groups help parents or caregivers deal with commonly encountered problems like: disobedience fighting and aggression managing situations such as shopping with children bedtime routines Upcoming Discussions (10am-12pm): Hassle-Free Shopping - March 4, 2023 Dealing with Disobedience - March 11, 2023 To register for one or both discussion groups,[...]
Join Chod for Parent Aid’s next Boot Camp for New Dads! Boot Camp is designed for expecting first-time fathers to gain the skills and confidence he needs to be an involved and active caregiver to his newborn. Registration is FREE and all participants receive a tactical daddy diaper bag! Class is offered as a hybrid[...]
This topic is from the Nurturing Parenting Program This class is underwritten by the New Spirit Lutheran Church This class will be held at 1101 N. 4th Ave- Moore Conference Room (snacks provided) Simultaneously on Zoom. (Hybrid class) This class will focus on the basic philosophy used in the Nurturing Parenting Program. Nurturing Parenting is[...]
Lunes, 10:30am-12:30pm @ Valencia Library 202 W Valencia Rd, Tucson, AZ 85706 Marzo - 13, 20, 27 Abril - 3 Este taller se basa en el plan de estudios Triple P, que ha demostrado reducir los problemas de conducta al ayudar a los padres a permanecer positivos en las situaciones más difíciles con sus hijos.[...]
Join Rebecca for an open call for all parents to share their strength, hope, experience, and challenges as the adults in the lives of children. Offered virtually through Zoom! Group is free and does not require registration. Just join using the Zoom Link
Learn how to dispose and store prescription drugs safely. Learn how to use Narcan to reverse an opioid overdose
Join Chod for this 2-part workshop of the Children in Between program for parents experiencing separation or divorce. This event is spread across 2 weeks for a total of 4 hours of education on the evidence-based strategies to improve communication and cooperation of co-parents. Class is offered virtually through Zoom Registration is FREE! Please email Chod with[...]
Learn how toxic stress and trauma impacts the brain. Learn about the connection between trauma and substance misuse. Learn how to use Narcan to reverse an opioid overdose.
Join Chod, Rebecca, and Parent Aid for a 6-week parent workshop series for parents with children from toddlers to teens. This series will help parents understand more about their child’s growth and development, teach skills to better communicate, set groundwork for positive discipline and practice some much needed self-care. Class is offered as a hybrid[...]
Join Celina and Parent Aid for a 4-week parent workshop series designed for caregivers with children under 5 years old. This series will help parents understand more about their child’s growth and development, teach skills to better communicate, set groundwork for positive discipline, and practice some much needed self-care. This amazing opportunity to keep your[...]
Parents/caregivers learn how to encourage positive behavior, deal with problem behavior, become more confident about parenting, and understand the importance of the caregiver's self-care in one-hour seminars offered virtually. 3/16/23 Raising Responsible Teenagers, 3/23/23 Raising Competent Teenagers, 3/30/23 Getting Teenagers Connected All workshops delivered virtually from 1-2pm
This topic is from the Nurturing Parent Program This class is underwritten by New Spirit Lutheran Church- offered at 1101 N. 4th Ave in the Moore Building- Hybrid class (Simultaneously available on Zoom) Any questions regarding this Hybrid class- please email cbolger@casadelosninos.org Snacks provided This class will focus on on increasing parents’ awareness for appropriate[...]
Join Rebecca for an open call for all parents to share their strength, hope, experience, and challenges as the adults in the lives of children. Offered virtually through Zoom! Group is free and does not require registration. Just join using the Zoom Link
This topic is from the Nurturing Parenting Program This class is facilitated in English with Spanish Subtitles This class will discuss what it means to “Nurture” yourself- and look at why we don’t nurture ourselves. The goal is to increase parents’ ability to nurture themselves.
An open call for men to share their strength, hope, experience, and challenges as fathers, dads and co-parents. Join Zoom Link
Funded by First Things First, The Pima County First Smiles Matter Program offers: A free complete dental screening by a Registered Dental Hygienist for expectant mothers and children from birth to five. Topical fluoride for children to help strengthen teeth and keep cavities from forming. A written explanation of any concerns we may find. Help[...]
Learn how to dispose and store prescription drugs safely. Learn how to use Narcan to reverse an opioid overdose
This topic is from the Nurturing Parenting Program This class is facilitated in English with Spanish Subtitles Talking with one’s children doesn’t have to be hard. The key for parents is to communicate thoughts and feelings to their children in a manner that does not purposefully hurt them. This class assists parents in learning strategies[...]
Serie de crianza nutrida Esta clase se facilita en español. El objetivo es comprender los cambios de desarrollo que ocurren en el cerebro de los niños pequeños y adolescentes y las técnicas que los padres pueden utilizar para mejorar ese desarrollo.
Learn how toxic stress and trauma impacts the brain. Learn about the connection between trauma and substance misuse. Learn how to use Narcan to reverse an opioid overdose.
Parents/caregivers learn how to encourage positive behavior, deal with problem behavior, become more confident about parenting, and understand the importance of the caregiver's self-care in one-hour seminars offered virtually. 3/16/23 Raising Responsible Teenagers, 3/23/23 Raising Competent Teenagers, 3/30/23 Getting Teenagers Connected All workshops delivered virtually from 1-2pm
This 8 session series is happening Saturdays from 10am-2pm at Intermountain Centers for Human Development... 401 N Bonita Ave, Tucson, AZ 85745 3/25, 4/1, 4/8, &4/15 - Childcare and light breakfast provided! This series is based on the Triple P curriculum, which is proven to reduce behavior problems by helping parents remain positive in the[...]
This topic is from the Nurturing Parenting Program. Parents gain an understanding of the developmental changes occurring in the brains of young children and teens and techniques parents can utilize to improve that development. This class is will be offered as a Hybrid class- location 1101 N. 4th Avenue in the Moore Building and simultaneously[...]
Join Rebecca for an open call for all parents to share their strength, hope, experience, and challenges as the adults in the lives of children. Offered virtually through Zoom! Group is free and does not require registration. Just join using the Zoom Link
This topic is from the Nurturing Parenting Program This class is facilitated in English with Spanish Subtitles The goal of this class is to identify principles of conduct that guide our behavior.
An open call for men to share their strength, hope, experience, and challenges as fathers, dads and co-parents. Join Zoom Link
Learn how to dispose and store prescription drugs safely. Learn how to use Narcan to reverse an opioid overdose
This topic is from the Nurturing Parenting Program This class is facilitated in English with Spanish Subtitles How does your child feel about himself or herself? Parents are provided with tools to promote their child’s development and positive self-esteem.
Learn how toxic stress and trauma impacts the brain. Learn about the connection between trauma and substance misuse. Learn how to use Narcan to reverse an opioid overdose.
Parents/caregivers learn how to encourage positive behavior, deal with problem behavior, become more confident about parenting, and understand the importance of the caregiver's self-care in one-hour seminars offered virtually. 3/16/23 Raising Responsible Teenagers, 3/23/23 Raising Competent Teenagers, 3/30/23 Getting Teenagers Connected All workshops delivered virtually from 1-2pm
This topic is from the Nurturing Parenting Program This class is facilitated in English with Spanish Subtitles The focus of this class is for parents to learn the importance of developing family guidelines and linking them to discipline.
This topic is from the Nurturing Parenting Program This class is underwritten by: New Spirit Lutheran Church This class will be Hybrid- physical location: 1101 N. 4th Avenue in the Moore Building- snacks provided Simultaneously on Zoom. This class will assist parents in learning strategies to improve communication with their children.