Parents and caregivers can join us to share about the challenges and successes of raising their children, provide support for each other, discuss what they would like to see at the FRC, and enjoy a nice time with each other. Los padres y cuidadores pueden unirse a nosotros para compartir sobre los desafíos y éxitos[...]
Promoting the five senses. Fun games in this session will illustrate the need for multiple senses to experience things fully.
Have fun getting fit with your child and encouraging lifelong healthy habits!
This class for children and parents/caregivers is filled with creative activities to build essential life skills such as focus, self-control, and communication.
Come join Parent Aid and Amanda for a great opportunity to learn sign language with your little one! Learn how to enhance early communication skills, reduce tantrums, and promote language development with the addition to nurturing your bond and understanding your child’s needs. Baby Signs Too is designed to be used with families with hearing infants and[...]
Car seats can be confusing! This class provides basic awareness about car seat use. You will learn how to properly use a car seat from birth to the adult seat belt. ¡Los asientos de seguridad para el automóvil pueden resultar confusos! Esta clase proporciona conocimientos básicos sobre el uso de asientos para el automóvil. Aprenderá[...]
Play is the best avenue for learning! Children 0-5 years of age and their grownups will play and socialize together with a variety of materials selected to enhance all areas of development. We focus specifically on social skills, literacy, and communication.
Establishing routines is important to help families get through daily tasks. This class discusses the importance of establishing nurturing routines out of basic activities completed by families each day. Establecer rutinas es importante para ayudar a las familias a realizar las tareas diarias. Esta clase discute la importancia de establecer rutinas de crianza a partir[...]
Learn all about sun safety habits and how to reduce your child’s risk of skin cancer and ensure they safely enjoy the sun all year long. Come join us for some fun in the sun! Aprenda todo sobre los hábitos de protección solar y cómo reducir el riesgo de cáncer de piel de su hijo[...]
Come join Amanda and Parent Aid for a fun hour of music and movement! This class will enhance your child's development of their social-emotional, cognitive and physical skills. Zumbini is designed for families with kiddos birth to 5-years old. Zumbini is an interactive activity for Parents and Kiddos! Bring your most comfortable dancing shoes and[...]
Esta serie ayudará a los padres a comprender más sobre el crecimiento y el desarrollo de sus hijos, enseñarles habilidades para comunicarse mejor, sentar las bases para una disciplina positiva y practicar el autocuidado que tanto necesitan.