Serie de Talleres Gratuitos del Manejo del Comportamiento Infantil – VIRTUAL
Cada Martes en Abril, 9-11am! Este taller se basa en el plan de estudios Triple P, que ha demostrado reducir los problemas de conducta al ayudar a los padres a[…]
Cada Martes en Abril, 9-11am! Este taller se basa en el plan de estudios Triple P, que ha demostrado reducir los problemas de conducta al ayudar a los padres a[…]
This 8 session series is happening every Wednesday from 5-7pm March 1-22! This series is based on the Triple P curriculum, which is proven to reduce behavior problems by helping[…]
Parents/caregivers learn how to encourage positive behavior, deal with problem behavior, become more confident about parenting, and understand the importance of the caregiver’s self-care in one-hour seminars offered virtually. 3/16/23[…]
Parents/caregivers learn how to encourage positive behavior, deal with problem behavior, become more confident about parenting, and understand the importance of the caregiver’s self-care in one-hour seminars offered virtually. 2/23/23[…]
Join Chod and Parent Aid for a 4-week parenting class just for dads and men-in-families. Whether you are bio, step, grand, honorary, future, whatever, this opportunity is for you. Topics[…]
Join Chod and Parent Aid for a 6-week parenting class just for dads and men-in-families based on the 24/7 Dad program from the National Fatherhood Initiative. Whether you are bio,[…]
Join Rebecca and Parent Aid for a 6-week parenting class just for moms. Topics included throughout the program include: Co-Parenting and Working with Dad Setting the Foundation for Positive Discipline[…]
Join Celina, Rebecca, and Parent Aid for a 6-week parent workshop series for parents with children from toddlers to teens. This series will help parents understand more about their child’s[…]
Join Rebecca and Parent Aid for a 6-week parent workshop series designed for caregivers with teens and pre-teens. This series will help parents understand how to approach conversations on difficult[…]