Ways to Enhance Positive Brain Development


This topic is from the Nurturing Parenting Program This class is facilitated in English with Spanish Subtitles Parents gain an understanding of the developmental changes occurring in the brains of young children and teens and techniques parents can utilize to improve that development.


Conscious Discipline Parenting Classes


Conscious Discipline techniques empower parents with skills to handle emotions in order to make safe and healthy choices. Sign up to experience this new parenting trend and philosophy that is having a positive impact on both kids and adults, providing children with the tools that they need to have a happy and healthy life


The Philosophy of Nurturing Parenting


This topic is from the Nurturing Parenting Program This class is facilitated in English with Spanish Subtitles. This class focuses on the basic philosophy used in the Nurturing Parenting Program. Nurturing Parenting is centered in the belief children who are cared for and treated respectfully will treat themselves and others in the same manner.


Expectations & Development of Children


This class topic is from the Nurturing Parenting Program This class is facilitated in English with Spanish Subtitles The goal of this class is to increase the awareness of appropriate expectations of children.


Encouraging Children to Care about Self & Others


This class is facilitated in English with Spanish Subtitles This class will explore strategies to increase children’s awareness of caring about others and ways to build empathy.


Why Adolescents Stop Talking


This class topic is from the Nurturing Parenting Program This class is facilitated in English with Spanish Subtitles. Many parents worry when their adolescents stop talking to them and don’t want to spend as much time with the family. So, how do you communicate with your adolescent? This class will focus on some ideas and[...]


Conscious Discipline Parenting Classes


Conscious Discipline techniques empower parents with skills to handle emotions in order to make safe and healthy choices. Sign up to experience this new parenting trend and philosophy that is having a positive impact on both kids and adults, providing children with the tools that they need to have a happy and healthy life


Why Parents Spank


This topic is from the Nurturing Parenting Program This class is facilitated in English with Spanish Subtitles This class looks at all the reasons why parents might choose to spank their children and will offer alternatives to spanking children.


Establishing Nurturing Parenting Routines


This class is from the Nurturing Parenting Program This class is facilitated in English with Spanish Subtitles This class explains how nurturing routines can be established for many of the daily tasks you and your young child experience such as diapering & dressing times; feeding times; bath times; and bedtime- Discussion about the importance of[...]


Ages and Stages of Infant & Toddler Development


This class is from the Nurturing Parenting Program This class is facilitated in English with Spanish Subtitles The goal of this class is to increase parents’ awareness for appropriate expectations.


Conscious Discipline Parenting Classes


Conscious Discipline techniques empower parents with skills to handle emotions in order to make safe and healthy choices. Sign up to experience this new parenting trend and philosophy that is having a positive impact on both kids and adults, providing children with the tools that they need to have a happy and healthy life.


Sexuality, Personal Space & Respect


This topic is from the Nurturing Parenting Program This class is facilitated in English with Spanish Subtitles The goal of this class is to empower children to own, protect and respect their sexual being.


Verbal & Physical Redirection Parenting Technique


This topic is from the Nurturing Parenting Program. This class is facilitated in English with Spanish Subtitles. Redirection is a parenting technique to help children learn appropriate behavior. Parents use redirection to prevent personal injury, promote desirable behavior, reduce punishing interactions, and to promote learning and exploration.


Crianza de los para prevenir la intimidacion


La intimidacion es un problema en nuestras escuelas hoy in dia. Este curso le ayudara a los padres y a toda personal escolar, como tratar la Intimidacion, y la clave de habilidades sociales que pueden ayudar le a los ninos para prevenir ser victimas de la intimidacion, o un peleonero. Apropiado para los jovenes-pre escolares.


Parenting to Prevent Bullying


This class is facilitated in English with Spanish Subtitles. Bullying is a serious problem in our schools today. Parents learn what to do to help their children deal with bullying & identify key social skills that can help prevent young people from becoming victims of bullying.


Child Proofing Your Home


This is a topic from the Nurturing Parenting Program This class is facilitated in English with Spanish Subtitles Children, especially toddlers love to explore. Touching, pulling, grabbing, and eating are just a few of the ways young children explore their environment. Child proofing prevents dangerous interactions. Parents also child proof their home to enhance the[...]


Developing Empathy in Children


This class topic is from the Nurturing Parenting Program. This class is facilitated in English with Spanish Subtitles. The goal of this class is to increase children’s ability to care.


Understanding & Expressing Your Anger


This class is from the Nurturing Parenting Program. This class is facilitated in English with Spanish Subtitles. Anger is an emotion. One in which given proper understanding and education can be controlled. The goal of this class is to discuss appropriate ways to express feelings of anger.


Talking to Children about Sex & Sexuality


This topic is from the Nurturing Parenting Program. This class is facilitated in English with Spanish Subtitles. This class presents methods to empower children to own, protect, and respect their sexual being. Parents will gain the tools for starting and having on-going conversations with their children about healthy sexual attitudes and positive body image.


Developing Family Morals, Values & Rules


This topic is from the Nurturing Parenting Program This class is facilitated in English with Spanish Subtitles The focus of this class is for parents to learn the importance of developing family guidelines and linking them to discipline.


Raising a Confident Child


This topic is from the Nurturing Parenting Program This class is facilitated in English with Spanish Subtitles How does your child feel about himself or herself? Parents are provided with tools to promote their child’s development and positive self-esteem.


Personal Morals & Values


This topic is from the Nurturing Parenting Program This class is facilitated in English with Spanish Subtitles The goal of this class is to identify principles of conduct that guide our behavior.
