Rx 360 Substance Misuse and Naloxone training
Zoom ArizonaLearn how to store and dispose of RX drugs safely. Learn how to use Narcan to reverse an opioid overdose.
Learn how to store and dispose of RX drugs safely. Learn how to use Narcan to reverse an opioid overdose.
This class for children and parents/caregivers is filled with creative activities to build essential life skills such as focus, self-control, and communication.
Join Rebecca for an open call for all parents to share their strength, hope, experience, and challenges as the adults in the lives of children. Offered virtually through Zoom! Group[...]
An open call for men to share their strength, hope, experience, and challenges as fathers, dads and co-parents. Join Zoom Link
Esta clase esta disenada para ayudarle a comunicarse con su hijo usando sus habilidades naturales mediante sena. Esta clase es para padres y cuidadores de niños de seis meses a[...]
This early reading program for kids and parents/caregivers includes sharing stories, music and movement, and activities to do in class and at home. Families receive 20 free books & school[...]
Play is the best avenue for learning! Children 0-5 years of age and their grownups will play and socialize together with a variety of materials selected to enhance all areas[...]
Bullying is a serious problem to our schools today. Parents learn what to do to help their child deal with bullying and identify key social skills that can prevent young[...]
Dads are important too! They are more than just the "other" parent and are an essential piece in children's growth and development. Come find out why!
This class for children and parents/caregivers is filled with creative activities to build essential life skills such as focus, self-control, and communication.
Join Rebecca for an open call for all parents to share their strength, hope, experience, and challenges as the adults in the lives of children. Offered virtually through Zoom! Group[...]
An open call for men to share their strength, hope, experience, and challenges as fathers, dads and co-parents. Join Zoom Link
This class focuses on discussion about how to tell if your child is ready to begin the toilet training process and provideslots of ideas and ways to begin that will[...]
This early reading program for kids and parents/caregivers includes sharing stories, music and movement, and activities to do in class and at home. Families receive 20 free books & school[...]
Co-Parenting workshop for families experiencing separation or divorce.
Join us to learn ways to enhance your children’s gross motor skills through play and music.
Únase a nosotros para aprender maneras de mejorar las habilidades motoras gruesas de sus hijos a través del juego y la música.
El objetivo de esta clase es aumentar la conciencia de los padres sobre las expectativas apropiadas. The goal of this class is to increase parents' awareness for appropriate expectations.
This class for children and parents/caregivers is filled with creative activities to build essential life skills such as focus, self-control, and communication.
Join Rebecca for an open call for all parents to share their strength, hope, experience, and challenges as the adults in the lives of children. Offered virtually through Zoom! Group[...]
Los padres obtienen una comprensión de los cambios en el desarrollo que ocurren en los cerebros de los niños pequeños y adolescentes y las técnicas que los padres pueden utilizar[...]
An open call for men to share their strength, hope, experience, and challenges as fathers, dads and co-parents. Join Zoom Link
Discover the value of using ASL with your hearing infants and toddlers. Using sign can help parents better communicate and bond with their children as well as build a lifelong[...]
Learn how toxic stress and trauma impacts the brain. Learn about the connection between trauma and substance misuse. Learn how to use Narcan to reverse an opioid overdose.
This early reading program for kids and parents/caregivers includes sharing stories, music and movement, and activities to do in class and at home. Families receive 20 free books & school[...]