Programa de Crianza Cariñosa: Ignorar como técnica de crianza- CLASE VIRTUAL

Family Resource Center at Robles Elementary 9875 S Sasabe Rd, Tucson, AZ, United States

Dele a su hijo un buen comienzo con nuestro Programa de Crianza Cariñosa. Diseñadas para padres de niños pequeños, estas clases lo ayudan a desarrollar comportamientos protectores, mejorar la comunicación y fomentar la resiliencia y las habilidades de afrontamiento saludables.

Kids in Motion/Niños en movimiento

Family Resource Center at Robles Elementary 9875 S Sasabe Rd, Tucson, AZ, United States

Kids in Motion is an active and fun class that promotes your child's gross motor skill development through energetic and exciting activities. Niños en movimiento es una clase activa y divertida que promueve el desarrollo de la motricidad gruesa de su hijo a través de actividades enérgicas y emocionantes.

RSVP Now Free 12 spots left

Family Fit Fest

Family Resource Center at Robles Elementary 9875 S Sasabe Rd, Tucson, AZ, United States

Family Fit Fest: A Day of Health, Wellness, and Fun! Join us for a fun, family-friendly event focused on promoting health, wellness, and physical activity for all ages. We’ll have many fun activities for the family to stay active including our Kids in Motion class, dancing, races, free vaccines, healthy snack preparation, and much more![...]

Nature Play- Butterflies and Caterpillars

Family Resource Center at Robles Elementary 9875 S Sasabe Rd, Tucson, AZ, United States

Parents/Caregivers will spend time exploring the butterflies and caterpillars of the Sonoran Desert with their children. Under the guidance of a trained nature-based teacher, families will engage in activities that introduce young children to the butterfly life cycle, how to attract them, and what they do for our environment by participating in three or four[...]

RSVP Now Free 12 spots left