Maneras de mejorar el desarrollo positivo del cerebro


Serie de crianza nutrida Esta clase se facilita en español. El objetivo es comprender los cambios de desarrollo que ocurren en el cerebro de los niños pequeños y adolescentes y las técnicas que los padres pueden utilizar para mejorar ese desarrollo.


Communicating with Respect


This topic is from the Nurturing Parenting Program This class is facilitated in English with Spanish Subtitles Talking with one’s children doesn’t have to be hard. The key for parents is to communicate thoughts and feelings to their children in a manner that does not purposefully hurt them. This class assists parents in learning strategies[...]


Nurturing Ourselves


This topic is from the Nurturing Parenting Program This class is facilitated in English with Spanish Subtitles This class will discuss what it means to “Nurture” yourself- and look at why we don’t nurture ourselves. The goal is to increase parents’ ability to nurture themselves.


Nutrirnos a nosotros mismos


Serie de crianza nutrida Esta clase se facilita en español. Esta clase discutirá lo que significa nutrirse a sí mismo y por qué no nos nutrimos a nosotros mismos. El objetivo es aumentar la capacidad de los padres para nutrirse a sí mismos.


Establishing Nurturing Parenting Routines


This topic is from the Nurturing Parenting Program This class is facilitated in English with Spanish Subtitles. The goal of this class is to increase parents ability to establish nurturing parenting routines during regular activities with their children.


Compartir la paternidad-despues del divorcio


Serie de crianza nutrida Esta clase se facilita en español. Esta clase discutirá todos los aspectos de cómo compartir ser padres sin “estar juntos” Cómo dejar de lado tus propios sentimientos y concentrarte en ser el mejor padre que puedas ser, y poder continuar compartiendo esta responsabilidad con tu ex, o que pronto será tu[...]


Sharing Parenthood- After Divorce


This class is facilitated in English with Spanish Subtitles This class will discuss all aspects of how to share being parents without “being together”- how to put your own feelings aside and focus on being the best parent you can be, and being able to continue to share this responsibility with your ex, or soon[...]


Adolescent Brain & Physical Body Development


This is a Nurturing Parenting Topic This class is facilitated in English with Spanish Subtitles The goal of this class is to increase parent/adolescent awareness of brain and physiological changes and development on adolescent behavior.


Ayudar a los ninos a manejar su comportamiento


Serie de crianza nutrida Esta clase se facilita en español. El objetivo de esta clase es capacitar a los niños para que manejen su comportamiento.


Alternatives to Spanking


This is a Nurturing Parenting Topic. This class if facilitated in English with Spanish Subtitles. Parents learn positive guidance techniques and non-violent means of discipline with young children.


Developing Empathy in Children


Nurtured Parenting Series This class is facilitated in English with Spanish Subtitles This class will support parents’ in helping their children increase their ability to care.


Let’s Talk “Time-Out”


Nurtured Parenting Series This class is facilitated in English with Spanish Subtitles Time Out is a parenting technique that discusses using a temporary removal of children from others when a child chooses to behave inappropriately by refusing to follow family rules. Time-Out can be voluntary or involuntary. This class will discuss all points.


Why Children Break Rules & Misbehave


This class is facilitated in English with Spanish Subtitles Ten Reasons why children misbehave and how we can respond


Tips on Toilet Training


Nurtured Parenting Series This class is facilitated in English with Spanish Subtitles Teaching Children to use the toilet is not as difficult as perhaps you are imagining. With planning and the right conditions, children can learn to use the toilet in matter of a few days.


Consejos sobre el entrenamiento para ir al bano


Serie de crianza nutrida En Espanol Enseñar a los niños a usar el baño no es tan difícil como quizás te imaginas. Con planificación y las condiciones adecuadas, los niños pueden aprender a usar el baño en unos pocos días.


Understanding and Expressing Your Anger


Nurtured Parenting Series This class is facilitated in English with Spanish Subtitles Anger is an emotion- one in which given proper understanding, and education can be controlled. The goal of this class is to discuss and take away appropriate ways to express feelings of anger.


Developing Family Morals, Values & Rules


Nurtured Parenting Series This class is facilitated in English with Spanish Subtitles The focus of this class is for parents’ to learn the importance of developing family guidelines and linking them to discipline.


Conscious Discipline Parenting Classes


Conscious Discipline techniques empower parents with skills to handle emotions in order to make safe and healthy choices. Sign up to experience this new parenting trend and philosophy that is having a positive impact on both kids and adults, providing children with the tools that they need to have a happy and healthy life.


Conscious Discipline Parenting Classes


Conscious Discipline techniques empower parents with skills to handle emotions in order to make safe and healthy choices. Sign up to experience this new parenting trend and philosophy that is having a positive impact on both kids and adults, providing children with the tools that they need to have a happy and healthy life.


Conscious Discipline Parenting Classes


Conscious Discipline techniques empower parents with skills to handle emotions in order to make safe and healthy choices. Sign up to experience this new parenting trend and philosophy that is having a positive impact on both kids and adults, providing children with the tools that they need to have a happy and healthy life.


Conscious Discipline Parenting Classes


Conscious Discipline techniques empower parents with skills to handle emotions in order to make safe and healthy choices. Sign up to experience this new parenting trend and philosophy that is having a positive impact on both kids and adults, providing children with the tools that they need to have a happy and healthy life.


Rx 360 Substance Misuse and Naloxone training


Please consider attending this one hour  FREE online training provided by TISAPP to learn more about how to safely store and dispose of prescription medications and what to look for to identify substance misuse.  Certificates of Attendance will be provided along with free materials!! This training is intended for all adults, parents, grandparents, educators, counselors[...]


Conscious Discipline Parenting Classes


Conscious Discipline techniques empower parents with skills to handle emotions in order to make safe and healthy choices. Sign up to experience this new parenting trend and philosophy that is having a positive impact on both kids and adults, providing children with the tools that they need to have a happy and healthy life.

Event Series Rx 360 Substance Misuse and Naloxone training

Rx 360 Substance Misuse and Naloxone training


Please consider attending this one hour  FREE online training provided by TISAPP to learn more about how to safely store and dispose of prescription medications and what to look for to identify substance misuse.  Certificates of Attendance will be provided along with free materials!! This training is intended for all adults, parents, grandparents, educators, counselors[...]
